Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan is home to over a million people but still has a fairly laid back feel. The hustle and bustle of most large cities seemed to be confined to bazaars rather than the city centre.
Heroes of The Soviet UnionWe arrived in Bishkek in May 2023 a few days after Victory Day. The large posters celebrating Kyrgyz heroes of the Soviet Union still bedecked the buildings around the central Ala-Too Square.An open air concert in Ala-Too Square featuring traditonal music and dress.The Soviet and Kyrgyz writer and diplomat Chinghiz Aitmatov was one of the best known authors in Kyrgyz literature. He passed away in 2008 and is now comemerated by this statue in the centre of Bishkek.The Tien Shan mountain range or the Mountains of God can be seen from the centre of town.The Epic of Manas Statue in Bishkek depicts the legendary hero of Kyrgyzstan. Manas is said to have united 40 different Kyrgyz tribes into one nation.Bakai, friend and counsellor to Manas, the legendary hero of Kyrgyzstan immortalised in the epic poem that bears him name.Osh Bazaar, one of the largest markets in Bishkek where you can buy everything from everyday items to musical instruments, Soviet memorabilia and wide slection of excellent hats.An old and very well preserved Lada on the streets of Bishkek.Statues from around Victory Square in Bishkek, built in 1985 to commemorate 40 years since the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany.The centre piece of Victory Sqaure features the statue of a woman waiting for her husband to return from the front beneath three granite arches representing a yurt.